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Tip: Basic Webfrontend for NAS
投稿日 : 2013/04/07 22:14
投稿者 John Critton
if the Google Translator is right, several people do have issues with the File Transfer from the NAS.
I do have a Snology NAS myself, and have never had any issues using the build in Webserver as Mediaserver for Comic Glass.

However, instead of the index.php file I did use a simple ".htaccess" file with the following content:

Options +Indexes
IndexOptions IgnoreCase FancyIndexing FoldersFirst NameWidth=* DescriptionWidth=* SuppressHTMLPreamble SuppressIcon SuppressDescription Charset=UTF-8
IndexOrderDefault Ascending Name

Copy the lines above in a "htaccess.txt" file, and rename it to ".htaccess" (without the .txt extension) The renaming might not be possible with the Windows Explorer. But you could use the Synology File Station or some renaming tool like "Lupas Rename" for this task.

Then copy the ".htaccess" file in the root Manga Web Directory (example: "\\DISKSTATION\web\MANGAs\.httaccess") and the directory Listing will work in this Folder and all subfolders.

"Download from MediaServer" does also work without any issues.

Hope this is helps someone.

John Critton
Re: Tip: Basic Webfrontend for NAS
投稿日 : 2013/04/10 23:27
投稿者 Admin
Thanks for posting!

It was very helpful.
Re: Tip: Basic Webfrontend for NAS
投稿日 : 2013/07/01 05:58
投稿者 Mau
Hi, I tried your solution and didn't work...
I copied the .htaccess file to the public\comics folder, then addeed in CG\public\comics as source... no joy.

thanks for help

Re: Basic Webfrontend for NAS
投稿日 : 2013/07/02 03:51
投稿者 JohnCritton
Hi, what type of NAS do you have?
Can you access the your Webserver on the NAS with an normal Browser (like Safari)?